BREAKING NEWS BRACE receive a £1 million donation

We are delighted to share that BRACE has received a landmark £1 million pound donation to support dementia research across Bristol and the South West. A life changing sum for people living with dementia, for researchers and for a small charity.

This donation will be used in research activities aimed at improving early dementia diagnosis.

Dementia is currently diagnosed too late, with Alzheimer's disease- the most common type of dementia, being diagnosed up to 20 years after the condition has begun. Quicker, more accurate ways to diagnose dementia are greatly needed so patients can access treatments earlier and plan for their future.

The charity has, in recent years, had a breakthrough in early dementia diagnosis through the development of an early Alzheimer’s test called Fastball, which is currently being investigated by the NHS for possible future use. The £1 million donation will be put towards projects such as this one, to make a real impact in the fight against dementia.

Chief Executive, Chris Williams, says - "A £1 million donation to BRACE Dementia Research will undoubtedly have a profound impact on advancing dementia research, not only in Bristol and the South West but also globally. The focus on improving early diagnosis is particularly crucial, as it can significantly enhance patients' access to new treatments that are being developed, such as the revolutionary new dementia drugs."

While we are incredibly grateful for the donation, in 2023 BRACE received almost £3 million pounds of research requests for funding of which we could only fund £700,000. Until a cure is found for dementia, we need to invest as much money as possible into research.

Please know that every single donation is deeply valued and appreciated, regardless of the amount. It is the collective effort of all our supporters, each contributing what they can, that enables us to continue making progress.