Fundraise in Honour of Someone Special

Taking on a challenge in memory of someone is an ambitious and noble endeavour. There are a number of ways to fundraise in a loved one’s memory, all of them meaningful and significant for dementia research and your grief journey.

Whether you would like to run a marathon, host an event, skydive or do something from the comfort of your sofa, we would be thrilled to help you along the way.

Please get in touch with [email protected] to get started.

Below we have some established suggestions, but we welcome your own event ideas and activity suggestions too!

Jake Yeo

Jake's Story

"My grandmother died with dementia in 2011. Her passing, as well as her prior battle with Alzheimer's, had a huge impact on my family and myself. She was an incredibly intelligent and fiercely independent woman, so seeing her deteriorate before our eyes was extremely tough. I wish to fundraise in her memory on behalf of my family and also for the hope that research can lead to a breakthrough that can help to stop others having to struggle in this manner in future. I am honoured to raise funds and awareness for this very worthy cause."

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