Solent Dolphins Swim and Kayak to Victory for Dementia Research!
Sixteen dedicated swimmers and kayakers from Boston Scientific, the ‘Solent Dolphins,’ swam and kayaked to the Isle of Wight to help raise funds for dementia research. The team set off on Sunday 19th September, from Gosport, where they undertook the challenging 2.4-mile swim across the Solent. The weather was on the swimmers’ side, with the…
Simple EEG Test offers hope for early Alzheimer’s diagnosis
News released: September 2021 A revolutionary approach to earlier Alzheimer’s diagnosis is being pioneered by dementia researchers at the University of Bath, thanks to BRACE Dementia Research funding. The innovative test involves looking at flashing images over two minutes, whilst the brain waves are measured using an EEG cap. The researchers who developed the ‘Fastball…
Charity Saturday for Dementia Research!
Ghyston, a South West bespoke software solutions company, kindly gave their time and expertise to raise vital funds for charity, on a very hot and sunny Saturday in July. The dedicated team volunteered their skills to deliver project work for clients, in lieu of payment, with their fees being donated to dementia research. More than…
Thank You
Ron Cooper Fundraises for BRACE
I am fundraising for BRACE, to support research into Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The money you donate will go directly towards dementia research to find better treatments or medicines and hopefully one day, a cure for dementia. Details I am running Sprint Triathlons this spring and summer at the young age of 78…
I Would Walk 870 mile for Dementia Research!
This week marks Dementia Action Week, 17th May – 23rd May. BRACE is incredibly lucky to have supporters all over the UK and even the world taking action in their own way to support dementia research. Two lovely ladies, Eirlys and Linda, from Ceredigion West Wales are taking part in a virtual 870 mile, Wales coastal…
BRACE awards funding for an important Alzheimer’s disease pilot study at the University of Exeter
The grant from BRACE to the Living Systems Institute group at Exeter is part of the charity’s acclaimed pilot scheme which pursues new and promising lines of research. This award will fund important research into cell communication and its degeneration relating to Alzheimer’s disease under the direction of Dr Steffen Scholpp, Associate Professor Cell and…
Tiverton Golf Cub raise over £3000 for Dementia Research!
A huge thank you to David Buxton and the Tiverton Golf Club for raising £3000 for dementia research in 2020 – despite the lockdowns caused by the pandemic. David was the Club’s captain and he kindly nominated BRACE Dementia Research to be his charity of the year. The new Captain, Paul Boax for 2021 has…
Help protect dementia research ‘at risk’
BRACE is proud to be an Association of Medical Research Charity member – AMRC are working hard to protect vital medical research in the UK. At a time when medical research is most needed, charities like BRACE, are facing unprecedented falls in income due to COVID-19. Funding from Government is urgently needed to support charities to continue…