Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)

A man and a woman are sat on a sofa and reading a piece of paper that they are both holding.

Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) FTD is less common (about 2% of dementia cases), but is a significant cause of dementia in those under 65 years of age. FTD is sometimes called Pick’s disease or frontal lobe dementia. Nerve cells in the frontal and/or temporal lobes of the brain die and the pathways that connect them change.…

Maureen Daphne Walters

Mum was full of life, loving and supportive to all who knew her, she loved her family dearly and was a good friend to all. Mum and Dad

Dr Adam Smith – Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Exeter

Dr Adam Smith Post-Doctoral Researcher: University of Exeter Dr Adam Smith completed his PhD in summer 2019, working with Dr Katie Lunnon and Professor Jonathan Mill in the Complex Disease Epigenetics group. “Epigenetics” looks at how behaviours and the environment can cause changes to the way genes work in the body. These changes can lead…

Joan Collings

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Sue Perryman

My mum, Sue, was a loving and caring mother, daughter, wife, sister, auntie, grandmother and friend. She