Who we are

BRACE is an unincorporated charity registered with the Charity Commission under the number 297965.

BRACE is constituted by a Trust Deed dated 23 October 1987, as amended by a Charity Commission Scheme dated 3 April 2007 and a further Scheme dated 25 February 2020, which replaced BRACE's original primary charitable object and removed the secondary object relating to endowments, these changes recognising the changed language and priorities of dementia community.

In June 2022, BRACE was incorporated and BRACE Trustee Limited (registered in England and Wales under the number: 14199100) became the sole corporate trustee of the charity. At that point, the then trustees of BRACE became the first Directors and members of BRACE Trustee Limited and, as Directors of that company, are responsible for ensuring that it complies with its obligations as the sole corporate trustee of BRACE.

The Directors make decisions about how BRACE Trustee Limited should operate BRACE in accordance with the strategy set for the charity and also ensure that BRACE Trustee Limited complies with its legal and regulatory obligations as a trustee under charity law. The directors bring wide experience in financial and legal matters, as well as business acumen and knowledge of medical science.

BRACE's Scientific Advisory Committee is an independent committee of scientists which recommends to the Directors which applications for funding from BRACE should be supported, subject to the availability of funds.

Our Patron and Ambassadors are committed to helping BRACE achieve its aims in terms of raising awareness of the work BRACE does and to help BRACE in whatever way they can.

The day-to-day management of BRACE is delegated by the Directors to the CEO and other staff, and they are the first point of contact for all enquiries. Please see below to identify the member of staff best placed to deal with your enquiry.


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Chief Executive

Chris Williams

[email protected]

A headshot of Liberty Pring, a white woman in her 20s with short brown hair.

Head of Fundraising

Liberty Harrison

[email protected]

A portrait photo of John Shelley (Finance & Operations Manager) with a white background.

Finance & Operations Manager

John Shelley

[email protected]

Nikola Scanlon Communications and Engagement Lead

Comms and Engagement Lead

Nikola Scanlon

[email protected]

A portrait of Hamim, Grants Manager at BRACE.

Grants Manager

Hamim Islam

[email protected]

Jeanne Clements Community Fundraiser

Community Fundraiser

Jeanne Clements

[email protected]

Elise McKeever Supporter Engagement Officer

Supporter Engagement Officer

Elise McKeever

[email protected]


Trust Fundraiser

Raisa Ridley

[email protected]

Jed Eldridge Social Media Co-ordinator

Marketing Content Creator

Jed Eldridge

[email protected]

Sharon Farr Finance Assistant

Finance & Database Administrator

Sharon Farr

[email protected]

Jasmine White

Science Intern

Jasmine White

[email protected]


The Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Bristol


Beth Britton l Stephanie Cole OBE l Jayne Connery l Jonathan Dimbleby l Julia Hwang l Sir Martyn Lewis CBE


BRACE Trustee Limited (co. no. 14199100) appointed sole-trustee of the charity on 22 September 2022.

Directors of BRACE Trustee Limited are:

Hollye Kirkcaldy (Chair) l Helen Bidwell-Ford l Sue Blatchford l Hugh Brown l Chris Gray l Professor Seth Love l Professor Bridget Lumb l Dr John Pounsford l Paul Steckler l Mary Whittington l Chris Wilkin l Jonathan Williams

Scientific Advisory Committee

See How grants are approved for a full list of SAC members

Charity Commission

For further information about BRACE, who we are and our accounts, please visit the BRACE Charity Commission page

Companies House

For further information about BRACE Trustee Limited, our Corporate Trustee and its accounts, please visit the BRACE Trustee Limited Companies House page

Last updated March 2025

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